What is Monkey skulls project
A monkey civilization with advanced science existed 1 billion years ago,
and 10,000 skulls containing the memories of that time are discovered by mir_k in 2022.
which aspires to develop a massive worldview together
by stimulating and leading your imagination through a worldview.
Holders can inform other holders what kind of monkey
their Monkey Skull was 10 years ago, what they encountered during their lifetime,
and what unique experiences they have through the community
that will be opened in the future.
Someone could have been a world-famous soccer player,
and someone could have been a monkey who lived his life in poverty, right?
We will also select holders through regular events and create a picture stor
in the same way as mir_k's first memory,
and post it on the official website.
[Images created at this time will be airdropped]
As time goes by and more holders want to tell their stories,
the number of artists who will work with them will also increase.
As a result, the stories will build up one by one,
forming a massive worldview that no one can forecast with 10,000 imaginations.
Our story can be realized in the metaverse,
or it can be turned into a global comic and turned into a film.
Are we being too imaginative?
If so, then as a first-time storyteller in this universe,
I must have done very well.